Welcome || People
|| Aims || English
version || Czech version || Evaluation forms || Comments || česky
Bellow are evaluation forms developed by Navreme. You are not expected to evaluate all the guide at once. You can select a module or two, or an activity. Please feel free to comment on anything related to the INTER project. Please send your comments and evaluation forms to Laura at laubeova@fsv.cuni.cz
If you are a student please fill in the forms number 5 and 2
If you are a student of education please fill in forms 5, 2, 4 if relevant
If you are a teacher please have a look at forms 2,4, and 5
If you are a teacher trainer please look at all the forms
4. Evaluation Questionnaire (for participants of teacher training sessions on the INTER guide)
Welcome || People
|| Aims || English
version || Czech version || Evaluation forms
|| Comments || česky