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Bellow are evaluation forms developed by Navreme.  You are not expected to evaluate all the guide at once. You can select a module or two, or an activity. Please feel free to comment on anything related to the  INTER project. Please send your comments and evaluation forms to Laura at laubeova@fsv.cuni.cz


If you are a student please fill in the forms number  5 and 2

If you are a student of education please fill in forms 5, 2, 4 if relevant

If you are a teacher please have a look at forms 2,4, and 5

If you are a teacher trainer please look at all the forms


1.     Trainers’s Logbook  (for teacher trainers)


2.     Feedback Form   (for everybody who comes in contact with the guide or any activity or person relevant for the project)


3.     Grid for Internal Evaluation   (for teacher trainers)


4    Evaluation Questionnaire   (for participants of teacher training sessions on the INTER guide)

5.     Feedback for Readers


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