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Laura graduated in Education and Psychology (MA, 1985) at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague where she also obtained a Philosophiae Doctoris degree (PhDr) in 1986. She has been active in several non-governmental organisation since 1990, served as an Executive Director of the New School Foundation aiming to improve education of Romani children and currently is chairing an international network Globea - Transborder Initiative for Tolerance and Human Rights. She was a visiting fellow at the University of Cambridge (1997/98) and University of Oxford (2002 and 2004). Since 1999 she has been lecturing at the Charles University focusing on multiculturalism and minorities. More information about Laura can be found on her personal pages. |
Martina graduated in 2005 in West
European Studies at Faculty of Social
Sciences, Charles University Prague. In 2004 she initiated and organised a colloquium
“Minorities in the EU: Roma and Travellers, example of Great Britain”.
She is author of several articles concerning Roma and Travellers (e.g. for
Amaro Gendalos). Martina’s research interest includes |
Petra graduated in Social Science and French (MA, 2005) at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague. In her research for the final thesis, she dealt with the topic of education in the least developed countries. During her brief study period at Paris´ St Dennis University she also pursued the issues of immigration and integration policy. Petra joined the Globea and Inter Team in November 2004. |
Markéta is a
student of Faculty of Human Sciences at the Charles University in Prague (www.fhs.cuni.cz).
She is in charge of administrative and organization tasks related to the
INTER project. She has helped to organize the Prague INTER Conference in
May 2004. She has also translated the INTER documents into Czech language
and helped with the Czech version of the INTER guide. She participated at
the Porto meeting in 2005. |
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