|| People || Aims || English
guide || Czech guide || Evaluation
forms || Comments|| česky
The INTER project purports to improve quality of education and contribute to innovation in schools by supporting them in the implementation of an intercultural approach, fostering reflection on cultural diversity and providing a practical tool for initial and in-service training of teachers.
The project focuses on developing, using, and validating a practical guide which will facilitate analysis, implementation and improvement of intercultural education in schools.The guide is available on different formats to be used in face to face and ODL learning environments: Paper edition; CD-Rom; Web CT version (in English); Electronic version on Web Site.
INTER Project has the following aims to be implemented in 2002 -2005:
To map out cultural diversity in schools within a European context, to assess educational practices and policies in relation to addressing diversity, to exemplify the intercultural approach in education,
To prepare and elaborate the guide,
To apply the guide as a training tool in the participating institutions, adjusting it to their characteristics (ODL and face to face) and target groups. These will be teacher trainees and in-service teachers/school staff undertaking continuing education in the participating institutions, who will be able to use use the guide in their work
|| People || Aims || English
guide || Czech guide || Evaluation
forms || Comments|| česky